Twin Peaks
"My Log Has a Message for
TV episode
Season Three, Part 1
Written by Mark Frost & David Lynch
Directed by David Lynch
Original air date: May 21, 2017 |
25 years after the disappearance of Agent
Cooper, new events begin to stir.
Read the episode summary at the Twin Peaks wiki
Didja Know?
The so-called "third season" of Twin Peaks aired during
the summer of 2017 on the
Showtime premium cable television
network. All 18 episodes of the series were written by Mark
Frost and David Lynch and directed by David Lynch. Lynch
directed the series as if it were one long movie, then edited it
into 18 ~1-hour episodes (running times vary).
While the original TV series was based on the format of the
prime-time soap operas that were popular at the time (1990), the
new, "limited event" series is based on the season-long
"prestige TV" storytelling that is popular in television dramas today.
The new series takes place about 25 years after the events of
the final episode of the original series,
Episode 29:
"Beyond Life and Death". The series does not answer
all the questions about the characters left behind in that
episode, but most of those that were not are addressed in the
novel that followed this series,
The Final Dossier by
Mark Frost.
The series' official title is just Twin Peaks, but
Showtime aired it as Twin Peaks: The Return, to
differentiate the new episodes from those of the original
series, which it also aired in the months leading up to the new
In each case, the episode's title is derived from a line of
dialog in the episode. These are the titles that were presented
in the Showtime description each week and are also on the
Blu-ray boxed set of the series.
The production company of the series is Rancho Rosa
Partnership. The logo colors change for each episode. The
company logo features an RR design, making one think of the
RR Diner in Twin Peaks. Is there any particular significance
to this juxtaposition? A housing tract in Las Vegas is also
called Rancho Rosa Estates in several episodes and it has
the same RR logo as the production company. And when the
series was in pre-production, in order to keep things under
wraps from fans, it was referred to as Rancho Rosa.
Mark Frost has said the name is a private reference to one
of this favorite films (probably 1981's True Confessions
which has a housing development called Rancho Rosa; the
film is loosely based on the 1947 Black Dahlia murder case,
which has interested both Frost and Lynch in the past). |
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Catherine Coulson, the
actress who played the Log Lady. She died of cancer shortly after
filming of the season completed.
Characters appearing or mentioned in this episode
Agent Cooper
Laura Palmer
The Fireman
Richard (no last name given, mentioned only)
Linda (no last name given, mentioned only)
Lawrence Jacoby
Sam Colby (dies in this episode)
Bittner (security guard)
Tracey Barberato (dies in this episode)
Ben Horne
Beverly Paige
Mrs. Houseman (mentioned only)
Jerry Horne
Lucy Brennan
Deputy Andy Brennan
Wally Brando Brennan (in photo only)
insurance salesman (unnamed)
Sheriff Frank Truman (mentioned only)
Sheriff Harry Truman (mentioned only)
Mr. C (Cooper's doppelganger)
Robby (shotgun man)
Ray Monroe
the experiment (glass box apparition, may be Judy?)
Marjorie Green
Armstrong (Marjorie Green's dog)
Ruth Davenport (deceased)
Officer Olson
Officer Douglas
Barney (mentioned only)
Darlene (mentioned only)
Hank Fillmore
Harvey (mentioned only)
Chip (Barney's brother, mentioned only)
Coroner Constance Talbot
Detective Dave Macklay
Major Briggs (deceased)
Log Lady
Deputy Chief Hawk
Bill Hastings
Phyllis Hastings
Morgans (friends of the Hastings, mentioned only)
George Bautzer (mentioned only)
Detective Don Harrison
Betty (Bill Hastings' assistant, mentioned only)
Didja Notice?
The opening titles of this first episode of the season are
slightly different from those in the following episodes.
This one includes additional images of places and events in
the town of Twin Peaks.
The opening scene (before the opening titles roll) is an
edited version of Cooper and Laura's meeting in the Red
Room in the final episode of the original series,
Episode 29:
"Beyond Life and Death", where Laura tells him,
"I'll see you again in 25 years."
The opening image in the opening titles is of a
mountaintop covered with trees. If you look closely, you can
see that it is not a pristine nature scene; there is a tall,
chain-link fence on the top, with a concrete bridge that is
part of a road or parking lot and the back of a building is
just visible through the trees. It might be the back side of
the Great Northern Hotel (Salish Lodge) or some other
site. Or possibly the location of Listening Post Alpha (SETI
Array 7-1) on Blue Pine Mountain, as mentioned in
The Secret History of Twin Peaks. In the
real world, the site appears to be the lower observation
deck of Snoqualmie Falls, the stand-in for White Tail Falls
next to the Great Northern in the series; so possibly in the
Twin Peaks universe, we're seeing an observation
deck for White Tail Falls. |
A character who appears identical to the Giant advises
Cooper. In the closing credits, actor Carel Struycken is
credited only as ??????? and remains that way until
Part 14:
"We Are Like the Dreamer", where he is referred to as the
Fireman. It remains unknown whether the character is the
same one Cooper called the Giant in the original series.
All the characters in the Black Lodge (the Fireman, Cooper,
Laura, Mike, etc.) who appear in the new episodes are
visibly older now, about 25 years older, than they were in
the original series. Of course, this is because the actors
are 25 years older, but it also implies that time proceeds
normally in the Black Lodge. It is interesting to note that
when we finally see BOB again (in Part 5:
"Case Files" and later
episodes) he appears to be the same age he was before; this is
because actor Frank Silva died in 1995 and his appearances
here are all borrowed images from the original series.
The Fireman tells Cooper to listen to the sounds coming from
what appears to be an old phonograph speaker (though no
record is seen playing). He says, "It is in our house now."
The sounds are kind of sound like an insect rubbing its legs (or
mandibles?) together. In Part 8:
"Gotta Light?", a strange
creature that looks half-insect and half-amphibian crawls
inside the mouth of a young woman. It may be that this
creature was Judy and that she may also have gotten inside
the Fireman's home (the White Lodge?).
The Fireman also tells Cooper to remember "430" and "Richard
and Linda. Two birds with one stone." This seems to refer to
the 430 miles Cooper and Diane will drive in
Part 18:
is Your Name?" and how they have seemingly taken on the new
identities of Richard and Linda overnight there.
At 6:18 on the Blu-ray, Jacoby's pick-up truck appears to be
an approximately 1984
Lawrence Jacoby is seen to live in a trailer in the woods
off a dirt road. According to
The Final Dossier,
it is located near the peak of White Tail Mountain.
A man named Joe delivers a
shipment of shovels to Jacoby. Joe drives a 1973
F-350 pick-up. One of the rear backup indicator lights is
out. Oddly, the truck does not appear to have any license
plate on front or back.
At 7:04 on the Blu-ray, notice that
Jacoby has an old TV set sitting on top of a metal cabinet
outside his trailer. It looks as if a pair of wires or cords
lead from it into a window of the trailer, perhaps providing
power and antenna?
What may be a hot water heater is seen mounted
outside the trailer, with a plastic water pipe rising from
the top and possibly going inside the trailer.
An Alpenrose milk crate is seen outside the trailer.
is a dairy in Portland, Oregon.
Jacoby is seen to still wear his classic red-and-blue-lensed
At 8:30 on the Blu-ray, the
Chrysler Building is seen among the skyscrapers of
New York City.
At 12:48 on the Blu-ray, the security guard outside the door
of the glass box room has a badge identifying him as
Bittner. He is wearing a
The coffee cups Tracey brings to Sam appear to have a Z logo
on them. As far as I can tell, this is a fictitious logo.
Sam has what appears to be a bonsai tree on the table next
to the couch in the glass box room.
It seems as if Ben Horne may have moved his office to
another room in the Great Northern from where it was
before. It seems too drastically different to have simply been
remodeled. The totem painting on the wall behind the desk is
the same, but the main entry doors no longer open into a
hallway, but into another outer office for his secretary. A
new set of double doors is also on the wall behind his desk
and the fireplace that used to be on the wall opposite the
main door is no longer there.
A photo of Whitetail Falls is on the wall next to Ben's
desk. A different Indian rug from the one seen in the
original series is on the floor.
When Jerry asks Ben if he's banging his new secretary yet,
Ben disgustedly says, "Oh, Jerry! R-E-S-P-E-C-T." He is
likely quoting from Aretha Franklin's hit 1967 feminist R&B
song "Respect". Jerry follows it up with "Sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me..." another line from the song.
Jerry goes on to tell Ben, "Swimming in my mind at this
time, literally, is my new hydroponic indica sativa hybrid,
a touch of the mythic AK-47 by way of the Amsterdam
express." Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa are the two
species of cannabis, with hybrids of the two constantly
being bred by growers. AK-47 is a strain of hybrid cannabis.
"Amsterdam express" is a reference to cannabis sold in the
city of
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ben warns Jerry, "...a prophet is without honor who eats his
own profits." This appears to be an original aphorism by
Jerry explains to Ben that his eating the infused banana
bread and jam is R&D (Research and Development).
Jerry says his new legally-sanctioned enterprise is tripling their
revenue. The state of Washington voted to legalize marijuana
in 2012.
Ben asks Jerry if the knit hat he is wearing was their
mother's. We don't hear the answer.
The Twin Peaks Sheriff's Station has a new
sign, similar to the original. |
New sign |
Old sign |
At 18:26 on the Blu-ray, the name plate on Lucy's desk
indicates her last name is Brennan, informing us she did
indeed marry Andy sometime after the events of
Episode 29:
"Beyond Life and Death". Lucy uses a pair of
monitors on her receptionist computer (Hawk also has a Dell
monitor on his desk later in the episode). A solitaire layout of
playing cards is seen on Lucy's desk. A Christmas photo of
Lucy, Andy, and, presumably, little Wally Brando is seen on
the shelf behind her, though it appears to be a very poorly
Photoshopped (or even physical cut-and-paste) of the family
members' heads placed on top of smaller bodies! Why would
this be the case? Does Lucy have no actual family photos?
The photo is seen again in Part 4:
"...Brings Back Some Memories".
See a bit farther below for speculation about Wally.

The tree painting in the waiting room of the
Sheriff's station is similar, but different, from the one
seen in episodes of the original series. |
new tree painting |
old tree painting |
The song that plays as Cooper's doppelganger (hereafter
referred to on PopApostle as Mr. C) drives through the woods is "American
Woman" (David Lynch Remix) by Muddy Magnolias.
The car Mr. C. drives is a 2015
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse Coupé, an expensive luxury-class
Otis appears to be drinking moonshine out of a Mason jar.
Also, a number of animal furs are hanging on the wall next
to Otis.
Mr. C's shirt looks as if it may be made of snake skin or
some other reptile skin.

At 21:50 on the Blu-ray, there are several hands of playing
cards sitting on tables around the room.
When Ray and Darya leave Buella's house with Mr. C, notice
that the two each hand something (an envelope?) to the man
in the wheelchair. What was it? Payment for something?
At 31:25 on the Blu-ray, notice that Tracey appears to have
a Z on the lapel of her dress. The dress must be her uniform
for the "Z" coffee shop.
The apparition in the glass box appears to shatter the glass
as it emerges, it doesn't just pass through it.
The introductory shot of Buckhorn, South Dakota is actually
of Butte, Montana. Buckhorn is a fictitious city. In
Part 2:
"The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself", we see a map of South Dakota showing the
location of Buckhorn (the red dot in the western part of the

Marjorie Green's dog, Armstrong, appears to be a shorthair
deer head Chihuahua.
Marjorie lives in apartment 218.
The police cruiser from the Buckhorn PD seen at 36:21 on the
Blu-ray is a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria. The department's
motto appearing on the vehicle appears to be "Creating a
safe community."
According to Officer Douglas, the apartment complex where
Marjorie Green lives (and where Ruth Davenport lived) is at
1329 Arrowhead in Buckhorn (though Marjorie corrects him
that it's 1349; this is confirmed later in the episode).
As the policemen walk behind the apartment complex at 38:44 on
the Blu-ray, a pallet of what appears to be South Bay Salt
Works water softener crystals is seen under the stairway.
From 40:24-40:40 on the Blu-ray, several books are seen on
Ruth Davenport's bookshelves: Cose in Corso, a 2014
book of the art of Dutch artist Mark Manders; Visions of
Antiquity (a couple books by this title exist; this may
be the one subtitled Neoclassical Figure Drawings by
Richard J. Campbell and Victor Carlson); Engines of
Change (several books by this title exist);
American Image: Photographing One Hundred Fifty Years in the
Life of a Nation by Martin Sandler (1989);
America's Fascinating Indian Heritage by Reader's
Digest books (1989); The Farmhouse; The
Mercenary (several books by this title exist);
Personal Injuries, a novel by Scott Turow (1999);
Dreamland, a novel by Kevin Baker (1999); Hunter's Green;
Lord of Misrule by Jaimy Gordon (2010); Last
Resorts by Claire Boylan (2010); and Blindsight, a
1992 novel by Robin Cook.
Hank's pick-up at 41:27 on the Blu-ray appears to be a 1985
Nissan 720.
The beheaded male body seen under Ruth Davenport's head in
Ruth's apartment is revealed to be that of Major Briggs in a
later episode.
The Log Lady's house seen at 43:33 on the Blu-ray is the
same house of hers seen in
Episode 5: "Cooper's
At 43:52 on the Blu-ray, Hawk has what appears to be a model
cabin made of
Lincoln Logs on his desk. He also has a "totem pole"
When we see the Log Lady in her cabin, she is obviously not
in the best health, having an oxygen tube under nose and she
has only a fringe of hair, suggesting she has been
undergoing chemotherapy. Her ailment is not explained
exactly in the series, but actress Catherine Coulson was
fighting cancer at the time and she died shortly after she
finished filming the season.
At 45:21 on the Blu-ray, the Buckhorn Police Department is
also using Dell monitors.
At 45:43 on the Blu-ray, Constance's work
computer appears to be running Windows 7. The taskbar on the
screen gives the appearance that she has Microsoft Office
Word and Microsoft Office Excel windows minimized. But there
is no indication on the taskbar of her fingerprint analysis
program running!
The print analysis on the computer indicates it is
scanning the CODIS database to match the prints. CODIS is
the Combined DNA Index System, a national database
maintained by the FBI.
The South Dakota driver's license for William Hastings
displayed on the CODIS database result is a recent design
used by South Dakota. Hastings' license lists his height as
6'3". His address is 439 E. Elm Street, Buckhorn, SD.
Andy and Lucy's son, Wally, was born on
the same day as Marlon Brando. This means Wally was born on
April 3. This seems unlikely considering Lucy was still not
showing her pregnancy in March of 1989 in the original
series' second season and yet we're asked to believe Wally
was born less than a month later! It's possible Wally is
actually Lucy's second child (maybe the first didn't survive
to term) and he was born in April of 1990. Lucy remarks that
Wally is 24 years old. If Wally was born in April of 1989,
the current year of the series would be 2013, if born in
1990, it would be 2014. None of which really seems to add
up. Could it be that Wally is adopted and not the biological
offspring of Andy (or Dick) and Lucy? Might this in some way
explain the cut-and-paste photo of the family seen at Lucy's
Marlon Brando (1924-2004) was an Academy Award
winning American actor.
State Police detective Don Harrison arrives to assist with
the Davenport murder case in Buckhorn from
Rapid City.
Bill Hastings' house was filmed at 2037 Skyview Drive,
Altadena, CA.
At 56:55 on the Blu-ray, a portrait of Franz Kafka can be
seen through a window hanging on a wall of the Hastings
house! Kafka (1883-1924) was an Austrian-Czechoslovakian
writer known for his surrealistic stories, admired by David
Bill Hastings drives a
940, possibly 1995 year. SD license plate 68N 416. The
license plate design is an actual one used is South Dakota,
with the state slogan "Great faces, great places" on it. The
slogan may be partially a reference to the famous carved
faces on Mount Rushmore. The car next to it in the driveway
(presumably his wife's) is a 2012 Toyota Prius III.
At 58:14 on the Blu-ray, a
Party Stacker ice chest and
tackle box are seen in the trunk of Bill's Volvo.
Detective Macklay's flashlight keeps flickering on and off
as he searches the trunk. He tells Harrison it's broke. Is
there any connection to the electrical effects that
sometimes occur at scenes involving beings of the Black Lodge? Or is
it just a broken flashlight since Macklay seems to already
be aware of it?
Unanswered Questions
What happened to the security guard at the building where
Sam watches the glass box? Why did the guard disappear? It's
never explained except that even the NYPD doesn't know what
happened to him when
they investigate Sam and Tracey's murder in
Part 3:
for Help". Sam says that the person who is behind the glass
box observation is an anonymous "billionaire" and is later
implied to be Mr. C. Did Mr. C order the guard to be removed
so that Tracey could enter "unofficially"? Possibly Mr. C
was hoping Sam and Tracey would have sex in the room, which
they do, in order to draw in the apparition who appears in
the box at that time.
Who or what is the apparition that appears in the glass box
and escapes it to kill Sam and Tracey? It appears to be
female. Is it Judy? In the closing credits it is referred to
as "the Experiment", presumably because it appeared as a
result of the billionaire's mysterious project involving the
glass box. In the book Conversations With Mark Frost
by David Bushman, Frost says that he and Lynch had a secret
code for the thing in the box which he does not reveal here.
As Bushman notes, that is an interesting answer in and of
What was in Harvey's bag? It's never revealed. Is it drugs?
Is it the sparkle drug that is also plaguing the youth of Twin
What is the piece of meat found in the truck of Bill's car?
In an interview, Lynch has said it was just a piece of meat,
not intended to be a human body part.
Memorable Dialog
try me.mp3
the new
log has a message.mp3
I'll bring the coffee and the donuts.mp3
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